
Archive for the ‘chivalry’ Category

Finding the Balance

There has been a buzz in the blogosphere lately on chivalry. I’m so glad the guys over at the Rebelution decided to tackle this subject! And I’m sure a lot of you girls would also agree with me.But don’t get all puffed up with pride just yet girls. . .they didn’t just talk to the guys about serving girls they also talked to the girls about accepting service from guys.

Now for me it is not an issue of pride that keeps me from letting guys serve me. . .it’s the problem of being afraid of inconveniencing them.

But let’s put this idea in another scenario. Say you buy someone a gift. You offer it to them but they won’t accept it. The reason: they are afraid that you might have spent too much money on it and maybe it is an inconvenience to you. Well, how would you feel? Great? Happy? Elated? No I think not. You’d probably feel more embarrassed and confused.

Well, when a guy offers to serve you (of course in the right way) he is offering you, in a way, a gift, the gift of chivalry. If we refuse their kindness, we are really harming them and causing them embarrassment. When we respond to their gentlemanly behavior in an unladylike behavior, we aren’t being the sisters that we should be to them.

But, girls, there are times that we should serve our brothers. We shouldn’t expect them to always do everything for us, then when they don’t, point our fingers at them and tell them they’re supposed to be chivalrous. There are times when it is appropriate to serve the guys, but there are times when it is appropriate to let the guys serve us. There is a balance in there somewhere, we just have to find it.

Just remember: Jesus served, yet allowed Himself to be served. He found the balance, we must do the same.

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